Funded Startups List Data Points

Funded Startups List Data

The following data points are available within the Funded Startups List:

Data point Description
Company Name
Name of the company
Full Description
Detailed description of the Company
Name of the Founder of the company
Founder Email
Verified Email Address of the Founder
Founder Title
The position or title of the Founder
Founder LinkedIn URL
LinkedIn Url of the Founder
Last Funding Type
What is the Last Funding Type received by Company
Last Funding Date
What is the date of the last funding received
Industry type of the Company
Headquarters Location
Location of the Company headquaters
Short SEO Description of the company
Company Type
What is the type of the company? i.e. Profit/Non-Profit
Company Website
Website associated with the company
Twitter URL of the company profile
Facebook URL of the company profile
LinkedIn URL of the Company
Contact Email
Generic or support email of the company
Actively Hiring
Whether the company is actively hiring or not
Investment Stage
Current Investment Stage of the Company
Founders List
List of the Founders in the company (if multiple)
Number of Founders
Total Number of Founders in the company
Last Funding Date
Date of Latest Funding Transaction
Last Funding Type
Type of funding received in last funding transaction
Total Funding Amount
Total Funding Amount Received
Total Funding Amount Currency
Currency of the Funding Amount Received
Total Funding Amount Currency (in USD)
Total Funding Amount Received in USD*
Monthly Visits on Website
Total Monthly Visits on the website
Average Visits (6 months) on Website
Average Visits in last 6 months on website
Tech Stack
Technology Stack used based on the website
Website Traffic Signals
Valuable Traffic signals inferred from the data
Website Bounce Rate
Level of bounce rate from the website
Founded Date
When the startup was founded
Number of Investors
How many investors have invested in the startup
Top 5 Investors
Names of the companies for the Top 5 investors in the startup
Number of Employees
Approximately how many employees the startup has
Needs Website?
Yes/No if the company needs a website or not.
Last Added Date by LeadBites
Date when leadbites added the data to your list